青奥运动健儿专访!(Close-Up with Athletes)
- 游泳项目:黄凯伟(Rainer Ng)
- 游泳项目:林欣静(Cheryl Lim)与郭信辉 (Arren Quek)
- 皮划艇项目:袁南凤 (Wang Nan Feng)和黄伟成(Brandon Ooi)
预赛特别报导!(Sports Heats)
周边活动!(Other related events)
- 04/08/2010: Young athletes drum up YOG spirit in Orchard Road
- 01/08/2010: 青奥运学生义工 为国出力兼操练功课一举两得
- 29/07/2010: 迎YOG 巴士地铁站展青年艺作
- 27/07/2010: 青奥村每天吃掉11吨食材
- 26/07/2010: Walk drums up YOG spirit among the elderly
- 24/07/2010: 首届青奥运圣火在希腊点燃
- 21/07/2010: 张志贤出席青奥运授旗仪式:我国能角逐所有赛项已是胜利
- 21/07/2010: Do your best
- 20/07/2010: 青奥运广告没明星代言 只有小女孩希望与梦想
- 15/07/2010 : 青奥运马术比赛 38匹马从澳抵新
- 15/07/2010 : 两名运动健儿 将赴希腊接青奥圣火
- 14/07/2010: YOG opening promises splash and splendour
- 07/07/2010: 汤申400安哥安娣 要当青奥啦啦队
- 05/07/2010: YOG athletes to do their bid for local community projects
- 29/06/2010: 青奥会推出3枚纪念币
- 24/06/2010: Watch YOG action in 3-D glory minus glasses
- 18/06/2010: 以让路概念实施 青奥运车道计划确保选手准时抵达赛场
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